Thursday, October 21, 2010

Whitney Point Meet / What We Had to Eat

On Tuesday, J placed 12th at the Whitney Point Cross Country meet. The top 25 runners all earned Golden Eagles' ear-warmer hatbands. (More practical than trophies or ribbons). Yes, that's Afton's mascot, The Crimson Knight, in the distance!His presence fit right in because the general atmosphere of these meets is similar to medieval fairs:
hundreds of people milling around in no perceived order, colorful tents boasting team colors
scattered about, a three-ring circus of activities such as runners running and doggedly finishing, proud spectators and focused parents, busy coaches and stopwatch-and-clipboard toting officials, all enveloped in the enticing aroma of food wafting high overhead on the breeze, emanating from booster club grills
and a nearby McDonald's.

These meets allow new friendships and respect to develop and continue
between competitors and a chance to catch up and compare times after each event.
Friendly trio
Meanwhile, back at the farmhouse....
What else should I make for dinner? the weather grows chillier, I spend more time baking and cooking.
Today, I baked an old time favorite- apples (drizzled with honey, filled
with brown sugar, cranberries and cinnamon).


I also made moussaka for the first time- it simmered on the wood stove all morning.
It's very easy to make- peeled and cubed eggplant, diced onion, a can of diced tomatoes and spices. (I used garlic, oregano, salt and pepper). Eggplant's like a sponge- it absorbed all the liquid and flavor. Maybe I should keep an extra eggplant slice or two handy to serve as a sponge the next time I wash my car?

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