Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This past weekend D and J noticed several big, frozen carp carcasses on the ice, near the juncture of our creek and the river, surrounded by coyote tracks. They also glimpsed two Bald Eagles and an immature eagle (without the white, head feathers ) hovering about. Our theory is that the eagles catch the large fish, and flip them on the ice for a winters' picnic. When I walked down yesterday, I spied about six magnificent eagles of both types (young and old) soaring overhead when I disturbed their feast. Couldn't capture all of them in one frame, or the wonder and excitement. I think this photo shows the mottled markings of an immature eagle.


These photos posted below show wing marks on the ice and sites of the winter feast.




Saturday, February 6, 2010

Flowers. Fabric Goodies for Friends and February's Drawing

flowers for mom
February is for Flowers,which always provide welcome relief from Winter's icy grip. Aldis is one of my favorite florists because for a few dollars I can improve my mood immensely. I try to bring Mom flowers whenever I visit her to perk up her spirits.
These orange and white roses lasted a long time on our kitchen table.
They never really opened into larger blooms, but provided a lovely greeting every time we entered the cool kitchen.
I've been drawing watery pictures for my 2011 calendar. This is the beginning of my creek drawing.
This is the photo I used as reference, taken behind our house.
Shhh! I made this fabric cupcake for my friend, Sheila, who celebrates her big day Monday.
For Sheila
Quilt for baby Megan
My blog pal, Lisa, had her beautiful baby last week, and I sent her this quilt made especially for sweet Megan Anna.