Monday, June 23, 2008

Relax and look at the flowers!

As my daughter's graduation approaches seems like there's not enough time to clean, cook and prepare for all that needs to be done for the onslaught of visitors, but since our house is old, dust looks right at home in it. If we don't have enough food to go around, people will just have to chat. Anyway, I was feeling a little stressed by day's end, but a walk around the yard put things back in perspective.

Here are a few leaf snapshots:

water like beads on a newly waxed car

wavy leaf

leaves at work

Even the ordinary is beautiful in sunshine

Sunlit leaves

Leafy prayer

And here are a few pictures of blooms:

Top view

Posy profile

Beautiful from any angle

Veined petunia

Mostly white pinks

pretty from any direction

petals like a pair of hands clasped around a surprise

tender smiles of gold

beauty born of rocks

feverfew in early evening light


me ann my camera said...

Your leaves and blooms are lovely but what I like most about your post is your line, "since our house is old, dust looks right at home in it"... this are wonderful consoling words for my house is old too,all of 108 years, and I shall use your line next time to explain my chose of butterflies and beckoning meadows over inside house duties.. :-)

Congratualtions to your daughter on her graduation and may your days of celebration be filled with joy and family and friends.

DeVona said...

Thank you for taking time to leave a comment!