Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Fever

Even though the temperature's still chilly, I had to get out and play a little outside.  I pulled some debris away from the front border and discovered more snowdrops blooming, and uncovered some crocus pushing up through the frozen earth. Pulled a few clumps of grass, and dumped a wagonful of weeds on the compost. Looked at last years garden site and discovered the ground's still frozen, then checked out my small plot on the front of the site of my former garden that was destroyed by the flood/rock slide of 2006. 


IMG_3065  IMG_3061

Anyway, Saturday's all day rain reminded us of the flood, especially when we heard rocks tumbling down the creek bed.  The creek's bank eroded some which we'll try to bolster with rocks over the next few months whenever we feel like doing some heavy labor. I found the newly deposited rock island in front of the road culvert, where the creek tunnels under Route 7 and spent a good hour sloshing about happily, carting away chunky creek rocks to create a couple small, stone walls to connect my two raised beds on the aforementioned memorial plot. What a nice way to start the Spring gardening season, under vivid blue skies, so full of promise.

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