I know it's really Spring now! Today I noticed the first bees of the season, milling over my crocus blooms in the front border. The bees seem happy and lethargic, oblivious to everything else except that glorious pollen in the flower's cup. Another sure sign of Spring happened earlier this week when my son's Easter kite picturing Taz, got caught in the top branches of our front yard maple. I retrieved it yesterday after an overnight wind released it, too tattered for future flights. We've replaced it with another high flier with a T-rex on front. It's harder to stay behind the drawing board when the weather beckons to me to come outside. Yesterday, I continued putting a rock border along the front of my small garden site in the front yard. I love playing with rocks!
It's great to see your flowers. I'm a little jealous. Mine are lagging behind .Maybe it's that small difference in elevation.
Its interesting to note the wooden frame in your garden border before you cover it with stones; a good idea. Your flower blooms are beautiful
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