Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring in a box and on the drawing board

The urge to root around in the soil is stronger everyday. D points out I'm not so much a gardener as a planter. Can't wait to get my hands dirty and have perpetually dirty fingernails. My order of seeds arrived in the mail from Shumways- first time I ever ordered from them- I usually order seeds from Pine Tree Seeds in Maine but they didn't send me a catalog this year ( Maybe I'm not a big enough spender to warrant the price of sending a new catalog via the mail). Finished my drawing of Charlie's barn and garden. Looked through some old photos and found some nice Spring flower photos- will try to draw them-trying a little different format than my usual style.

Hope in a box (new seeds)
New drawing



me ann my camera said...

Looks like your drawing topic is very apt for this time of year, being that of budding spring, which, I hope, is just around the corner.

Thank you for your comments on my blog today.

Becky said...

It's really nice to see your drawing process. I think you should post your Whole in the Wall show as a regular post so no one misses it. Bravo by the way!