Monday, January 19, 2009

After a Long Winter's Break

We just returned from taking our daughter back to college after a LONG Winter's break. We were caught off guard by slick road conditions and spent an unexpected night in a Day's Inn in Liberty. My youngest loved having the chance to see The Steelers win a football game on TV. It was an unplanned mini vacation. Route 17 E hadn't been plowed, nor were the other roads attended to yet. We kept thinking the snow would dissipate the further South we travelled, but it didn't.I asked one man near a grocery store when the snow was supposed to end, and he replied, "Two hours and 3 1/2 inches ago". The best road we encountered was the one over the mountain near New Paltz which had been plowed, although we noticed a plow spinning its wheels on the turnoff by the hairpin curve. We're glad to be home again.




Perhaps pedal power would've been a wiser alternative.



me ann my camera said...

I sure don't like winter driving and avoid if now as much as possible. Before I retired I was often on slippery roads by seven in the morning,praying for safety and spring along the way. The unexpected detour of nighting over can fun.

suzanne cabrera said...

Sounds like an adventure!